I want requited love in everything whether it’s in my friendships, family, or even romantic relationships. I want to know that the love and effort I put into someone else is been given to me in return. It’s one of those things that I may be foolish in believing that I can have because everyone isn’t going to be the same. Everyone isn’t going to love you how you want to be loved or love you back and they’re not required to do any of those things. But, I can set boundaries and I can ask God to remove those who aren’t supposed to be here, in my life, because I deserve what I put out. And, if I love myself as much as I put love into others I need to set better boundaries and better requirements to live in the space I give someone in my heart. I…
Family, it’s that time of year again. Despite currently being in a pandemic, some of you will be traveling to see family for the holidays. This is some of the best eating we get to do all year. Whether it is friends’ events or family events, the holidays are a time to fellowship with the people you love and even some people you are supposed to love. With that being said, there are some shitty downsides to this time of year. You know the questions and pressures about dating, your job, and overall about your life. I hate it and I KNOW you hate it too. My favorite holiday greeting is “you’ve gained weight.” First of all, saying “you’ve gained weight,” “when are you going to get married,” or even “when are you having kids” is the shittiest way to greet someone. And there is no exception to this, whether it…
Growing does not come without its pains. As we get older we forget the lessons we have learned from our adolescence apply in our adulthood. For many of us life changes are normal and frequent, oftentimes more frequent than we would like but with life changes comes associated challenges and uncomfortabilities. We are cornered into making hard decisions, uncomfortable choices, and finding strength or even courage when we don’t believe we have it. When a lot of these changes happen in a short period of time, they resemble growing pains much like when your body or bones would ache during a growth spurt. This year has had an eventful turn of events that would close out the decade in a way that was the most inevitable. In the early years of the decade, the summer of 2012, I had a conversation with one of my close friends which would be the…