I want requited love in everything whether it’s in my friendships, family, or even romantic relationships. I want to know that the love and effort I put into someone else is been given to me in return. It’s one of those things that I may be foolish in believing that I can have because everyone isn’t going to be the same. Everyone isn’t going to love you how you want to be loved or love you back and they’re not required to do any of those things. But, I can set boundaries and I can ask God to remove those who aren’t supposed to be here, in my life, because I deserve what I put out. And, if I love myself as much as I put love into others I need to set better boundaries and better requirements to live in the space I give someone in my heart. I…
Would you believe me if I told you that I was not supposed to be here? Would you believe that in high school, I consciously decided not to apply to Belmont even though it was the best choice? Maybe, but what if I told you that it was for none of the reasons you may be thinking? From a very young age, I was provided with all the things I needed to be successful, specifically, I was taught to be proud of my heritage and that I was Black. All the things I was taught influenced my choices then and have continued to influence them. Yet, the course of my adult life took a very unexpected route. That route changed the course of everything in my life and it was the most valuable to shaping me become the person I am today. Although I am grateful for this journey, I…
I believe in the Law of Attraction as a means to speak to the universe. I was first introduced to this by a friend who told me to read The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. That book teaches you the concept of the Law of Attraction and gives you actionable things to do to use the Law of Attraction in your life through manifestation. I know many of you have heard that thoughts become things, but what does that really mean. I can think all day and every day that I want a million dollars but a million dollars does not just fall into my lap. So, what’s the deal? Well there is more than just thinking about something for it to come into fruition. I am going to give you 4 tips to help you attract the things that you want. When you start to use these tips start small,…