


Dear ReadersFirst, I will no longer be calling you readers because you are now my friends and I am now yours. So, friends, I want you to know that I hear you and connect with you.I come to you from a place fueled by a combination of anxiousness and eagerness. I am anxious to share the fun, amazing, and light-hearted parts of me, yet, I am terrified about the parts that aren’t so pretty. Despite the anxiety, I know sharing is more important than anyone’s judgment because I am simply one example of hundreds, thousands, or even millions of people who are just like me. People who share my hard times, bad days, anxiety, fear, and self-consciousness. People who face the same treatment, hate, and negativity from others. People who have to get up every day and do things that they do not want to do to survive in a…

I have been taking birth control since I was in middle school since I was diagnosed with PCOS. When I went away to college, there were waves of times where I did not take it. But, overall, I have taken it my entire life since puberty. Over the last 8 years, I have read about a supplement that is supposed to be the miracle worker of PCOS, inositol. As time went on I read about other supplements that needed to be taken with inositol, such a d-chiro. I initially tried inositol but it did not seem to do much. The doctor eventually gave me Provera which induced a period every month for about 8 months without the need of taking birth control monthly, so I stopped taking the inositol. In 2017, I started birth control and it was the fucking worst! You hear me, the absolute worst! I had breast…

I discovered I had PCOS at a very young age. I distinctly remember being in elementary school and being extremely hairy, like all over. My mother would simply say that I was born that way, she would make a joke saying she asked the doctor if she gave birth to a monkey because of how hairy I was. As I began to shift into early puberty in late elementary school my body was even hairier than before. I distinctly remember a girl at school asking me how I had hair on my stomach and that her dad had it too. I had hair on my arms, hands, feet, and legs. I remember being so embarrassed by it that I began to shave that part of my stomach, a terrible idea because it is a mess now. Then I started to get a few stray hairs on my neck or chin,…