
Health & Wellness


Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a reproductive and genetic disorder that affects women. It is one of the most common causes of female infertility. It can also lead to other conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and endometrial cancer. The purpose of PCOS Awareness month is to raise awareness about the various aspects of PCOS. It aims to help those affected by this condition improve their quality of life and reduce their risks of developing other health conditions. The objectives of PCOS Awareness month are to increase the awareness of the condition among the general public, as well as educate healthcare professionals and women about its treatment and diagnosis. It also aims to promote the need for more research on the condition and for a cure. In addition to this, the month additionally aims to help raise the quality of life for those affected by the disorder. To improve the…

I decided to read “Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time” by Marcus J. Borg. I would like to start this by saying, I will be reading this book again to be able to research his notes further. Borg ends each of his chapters with notes that support the context of each chapter. I loved that Borg approached this book similar to a research paper. Many books regarding spirituality are typically written with quotes or context from the related religious text but Borg spent a great deal of time researching his points to share his thoughts with us. I believe this is more valuable than an open letter about meeting Jesus because I was needing to find Jesus again, you would have to provide someone like me with concrete support. Simply saying Jesus is real or giving a simple quote would not be enough for me as a reader. For…

Reflecting on the book “How Good Do We Have to Be” by Harold S. Kushner reminded me of a concept my high school religion teacher taught me. He would say that most people see God in the same way that they see Santa, SantaGod. Kushner’s book really emphasized and opened up my eyes to this concept even more. I appreciated Kushner’s approach to the book may be far better than I did in “Living a Life That Matters.” Kushner wrote this book for people who have suffered a great tragedy that may be unexpected in hopes of reminding them of their faith. Kushner starts this book with chapters discussing much of why people suffer. Many of the ideas and concepts of suffering were related to similar ideas and concepts in other religions. I believe suffering is universal and people feel it in a multitude of ways. Most of the ways…

Ya’ll, I used to be so spiteful. I would try to teach people lessons by using spite. Growing up I was the youngest kid on my block. Now it was never more than 6 kids total but for most of my childhood, it was 3 of us. My brother is the oldest, my neighbor being closer in age to him and me trailing my brother by a whole ass 5 years. You already know that most of it were spent with me being “too little” to do anything. But you see, I was mostly the brains behind our operations. So, when we had creative ideas we wanted to explore I was the spark despite being “too little.” Storytime! We decided to build a lemonade stand and the guy who owned the corner store down the hill said that we could set up outside the store. We built this dope ass…

we spend too much time on the act of connecting. who we connect with, how we connect, what we connect to, and even in the ways we connect. sometimes we even wonder if we are worth connecting with, why do or don’t people connect with me, or even how can i be better at connecting. there is absolutely nothin wrong with pondering all things in connecting. in fact, it’s important but i believe we spend too much time worrying about connecting and not enough time existing.

It’s been a while… I have just had a severe lack of motivation to process any of my thoughts to put them down on paper. But, here I am back where I belong, doing what always seems to feel the most normal to me, writing my thoughts. I have been feeling completely off lately, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and even financially. It wasn’t the same feeling I had late last year before my bout with depression kicked up. This is more of a fallen off the bandwagon type feeling. I started the year off eating healthy, working out, I might not have lost a ton of weight but I was about 15 full pounds down and of course, I have gained that back. Although I have saved more money than I had in a long time I have had to dip into those savings because I was kicking way too…

For me, 2021 started a bit rocky. It started with the worst case of depression I have ever experienced but I was determined to not let it get the best of me. You probably know all about my experience from My First Year with Seasonal Depression and recently you have learned the things I put in place to battle this depression on my post Things That Are Helping Me Cope With Depression. So it was only fitting to set the tone for 2021 as accountability. Because in order to make and maintain change, accountability is a key foundational item to make sure you can look yourself in the mirror. Too often we lie to ourselves so much about everything relating to ourselves that we actually begin to believe it and we cut that shit out. accountability noun Save Word To save this word, you’ll need to log in. ac·count·abil·i·ty |…

30 Minutes In The Sun My therapist told me that every day it is sunny, I should go outside for 30 minutes. She explained that I should take the time to go outside, and that a busy day should not keep me from feeling the sun on my skin. We already do not get enough vitamin D, so try to get as much of it as I can. According to Healthline, “Studies have shown a link between vitamin D deficiency and depression. Researchers behind a 2013 meta-analysis noticed those study participants with depression also had low vitamin D levels. The same analysis found that, statistically, people with low vitamin D were at a much greater risk of depression. The researchers believe that because vitamin D is important to healthy brain function, insufficient nutrient levels may play a role in depression and other mental illnesses. An earlier 2005 study Trusted Source…

Mental health is a major component of our everyday lives. Despite knowing how important mental health is to us every day, I would minimize how much it affects us daily until it happened to me. Like many people, the idea is that oh just smile more, bad days won’t last, pray about it, or even some other approach to feeling better. Although many people believe beating mental health challenges are as easy to fix as tending to a small cut, there are many people who don’t believe the challenges exist at all. Again, I was the former who thought you could just easily process through these challenges and boy did my body make me a believer. I had a bout with PTSD from a bad car accident, which truthfully still plagues me when I am in situations like my car accident. I’ve even experienced depression. Yet, I battled with anxiety…